Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jehan likes sticking the plug in because she keeps spitting it out. At least she doesn't mind.

Jehan likes to strip in the back yard if we don't keep our eyes on him.

I love how she chills with her hands on her knees.

If only my thighs were this cute. They're almost as wide as they are long :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Firoza has found her hands...

or at least her left hand. One of these days she'll get the whole thing in there. She's pretty close! She works so hard at that hand I'm afraid she might be teething, but it's too early for that... right?

Jehan's pre-preschool haircut. He looks so different with short hair.
I'm going to try to update at least once a week if not more!


We went to Snowbird for some play time with Joe and Matthew. They went on the alpine slide and the kids did the trampoline.

Firoza's first Zoo trip


Cute cousins!

Jehan's first trip to Krispy Kreme.
The longing in his eyes...
Can hardly contain the excitement...
That first wonderful bite.... Yummm.

Nana and Jehan letting the butterflies go.

I love the expressions on her face...

I'm pretty sure this is the first word Jehan spelled on his own.