Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One of those days

Tonight while I put Jehan in his bath I was thinking how lucky I was that we hadn't had any accidents in the tub yet. Of course you know what I was doing five minutes later: cleaning partially digetsted veggies out of the tub and hoping he was finished as he was sitting on the bathroom floor. All things considered it wasn't too bad, or maybe I should say, it could have been worse.

On another note, I have shin splints. I got nice new shoes to train for a 5k and within three weeks I have shin splints while last time I trained for a 5k with my cheap torn-up falling-apart shoes I was perfectly fine the whole time. Now the question: do I invest in expensive shoes or just go back to the old ones? Hmmm...

We took Ally to the vet today. She's aggressive when she's scared which is pretty much any time we go to the vet and we've had some bad experiences with vets/techs being rude after she growls at them. I tell them ahead of time that she's going to freak out, I bring our own muzzle and put it on her and hold her in place for them, and they still have to have attitude about it! The vet today was so nice! It was such a relief to have a good experience with a vet, especially since she's getting older now and we'll need some regular care. They were so gentle with her she never growled or acted aggressive in the slightest. We knew she was having some joint problems and it looks like her right knee and left hip are the worst. We started her on arthritis medication today and hopefully she'll be feeling better soon!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

We have a bird!

Well, a robin made a nest in a tree I was going to prune today. That'll have to wait till fall now! Robin eggs are so pretty!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some pictures I've been meaning to post

This is my first sprinkler repair job. A little messy but it's holding so far :)
Daddy and Baby Bracken on the beach before Brooke's graduation.
Congrats Brooke!! (and Bracken, Corey, Courtney, Candice, and Shawn!)
Last Mother's Day I didn't expect that I'd be taking my baby skinny dipping this year. We had lots of fun at Brooke's in-laws and Jehan experienced his first pool. Too bad Daddy wasn't there to get in with him!
The day we came home, both the boys were so tired. We'd had a busy weekend! We went to see the shuttle launch and on the way the boys both fell asleep.
This is what we saw of the shuttle launch... nothing!
We did hear a distant rumble though :)
These pictures are from before Jehan's birthday party. He had so much fun moving drinks from one tub to the other. When the ice came out he kept trying to eat it.

Jehan's first birthday!

First thanks to Steph for the photos. I didn't have time to take any! We were very busy but it was lots of fun. I can't believe he's already one!

I made the cake :) It took a long time but now I know how to do it and it's not nearly as hard as I made it.
Jehan didn't actually eat any candy but he sure thought it was fun to play with.
It didn't take him long to figure out what presents were about. He loves looking in bags now to see what surprises are inside!

These are just a few shots of him opening presents. He got so many cute toys to play with. We're trying to spread out the fun so we still haven't gotten to all of them. Thanks to everyone who came and made his first birthday so special!