Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Hubby Wears Burp Cloths

Firdosh was holding Jehan while I was busy cleaning up and when I took Jehan Firdosh almost walked off with the burp cloth still on his shoulder. I snatched it before he could embarrass himself. Of course, I do it all the time. Mummys have no shame.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Poor Jehan

Poor Jehan got his 4 month shots today. He was so happy this morning I almost cried - he had no idea what was coming. It's just about the worst feeling in the world laying your little guy out on a table to have needles jammed into his little thighs while he screams. Broke my heart to have him looking at me so trusting and happy and then see the surprise on his face when they stuck him. However, today wasn't as traumatizing as his 2 months shots. Then he was already tired and cranky before they gave him the shots and the shots just pushed him over the edge to hysteria. He was crying so hard he started choking on his drool. Today he was sleepy before the shots and he cried hard for a couple minutes but then settled for occasional whimpers. Last time he kicked his legs like crazy but today he is trying to move them as little as possible. Poor boy! He's sleeping it off now with his daddy. Hopefully he doesn't have a bad reaction and we'll be able to get some sleep tonight.

Other than that he's a healthy little boy. Actually, he's getting to be a big boy. Today he was 16 lbs. 3 oz. and 26.5 inches tall. That's 80% in weight and 95% in height. Most of his 3-6 month clothes don't fit any more. His daddy is so proud he only wants his thighs a little chunkier.